How to Tie a Tie: Step by Step Guide with Picture
Having problem tying a tie? Well worry not! This viral share on social media tells you how to tie a tie in different styles – cross knot, four in hand, half Windsor, full Windsor, Prince Albert, small knot, scot, and bow tie. So, have a look at the image and instructions below and tie it…
Notepad Diary Trick: Notepad Has Diary
Almost all of us have used notepad utility that comes with MS Office. But did you know that you can use notepad as a diary? Here is this useful notepad diary trick to keep log of daily events: 1. Open a blank Notepad file 2. Type .LOG (caps) as the first line of the file, followed…
Zodiac Signs Compatibility Chart for Marriage
Astrology is a wonderful science. It often predicts and shows things in a divine manner. So, it’s not uncommon to get horoscopes matched for compatibility of the partners going to tie the knot. Did you know, the success of marriage often depends upon the zodiac signs of the partners. So, what astrology signs make the happiest…
Dumb Cane or Dieffenbachia is a Dangerous Plant
Dumb Cane or Dieffenbachia is an extremely dangerous indoor plant. This is one plant but there are others with the same characteristics of coloring. Those are also poisonous and we should get rid of them. Please watch out for our children. This plant that we have in our homes and offices is extremely dangerous! It…
Drug on Business Card Warning: Burundanga Criminal Use
This is a warning on how criminals are using Burundanga drug on business card before handing over the card to their victims in order to incapacitate them. The unsuspecting victims, mostly women, start feeling giddy after getting back into their vehicle after taking the visiting card. The criminals then use this opportunity to rob the victim.…
How to Check the Expiry Date of LPG Gas Cylinder
Have you ever heard about LPG gas cylinder’s expire date? I also didn’t know till I came across this email telling that every LPG gas cylinder comes with an expiry date and you should check it out before taking delivery of your gas refill. It also tells you the method of finding out expiry date for you…
Gmail.com’s Registration Procedure
Google’s Gmail has long surpassed Hotmail to be the largest web based electronic mail support. There have been over 425 thousand customers with this precise, swift and trustworthy electronic mail support, by the middle of 2012. Signing up a new account in gmail is simple, swift and free for anybody. Here is a detailed procedure…
Things You Never Knew Your Cell Phone Could Do
If you thought your mobile phone is just meant for talking, messaging, taking photographs and listening to music, think again. There are many more things it can do for you… like calling an emergency number even when it is locked, using to unlock a car without keys, etc… which can come pretty handy in case…