Lessons for Life
Are you a great drinker? Have you tasted all the popular brands out there? But did you ever think about the message each liquor brand sends out to you? For example, Royal Challenge teaches us to take the problems of life as a challenge, Napoleon teaches us to be a fighter, and so on . Here are…
A Short Speech by Bryan Dyson
Here’s a very very short (30 second) speech by Bryan Dyson, CEO of Coca Cola. It’s short but one of the most effective and true speeches ever delivered by a CEO. Guess what the speech pertains to… Professional development? Working overtime? Nope. It’s about the importance of relationship in life, having good time with family…
If Work Is Paining…
No pain no gain. Accept the pain, future will be fruitful. Don’t feel the work you are doing is pain because there will always be a reason for that pain. So face the pain and there will definitely be happiness ahead. And if you try to cut short the work to reduce the pain, the…
The Clever Donkey
Donkey, an animal used for carrying goods, is considered to have little or no brains. But the donkey, the main character of the story we are going to tell you today, is a smart ass – smart enough to deliver guest lectures in top management schools. Here goes the story. One day a farmer’s donkey…
Some Beautiful Places
Do you know how beautiful places are there in this world? Well, I can’t take you there. But here are some awesome shots of beautiful windmills, lavender farms, cherry blossoms, lakes, tundra and more… Looks like heaven has come down on earth. I was dumbstruck when I first saw them. I’m sure, you too will. Right…
Most Insulting Elegant Letter to Office Employees
How can one forget the great recession of 2008-2009! Some companies were badly affected while others were not at all. Nonetheless, all of them screwed their employees in the name of recession. Hire and fire policy was followed to the heart’s content. Not to talk of pay deduction, forced leaves and extended work hours. Given…
A Village in Holland with No Roads
Giethoorn is a breathtakingly beautiful little village in Holland (also called as Netherlands). It won’t be an overstatement to call it a piece of paradise on earth. It’s famous for its wooden bridges and canals. You won’t find any roads here. Transportation is done through boats in the canal. You can however see some cycling…